Friday, April 06, 2007

Is It Wrong to JUDGE???

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

[1] Judge not, that ye be not judged.
[2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

John 7
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Online Etymology Dictionary
judge (v.)
1225, "to form an opinion about," from Anglo-Fr. juger, from O.Fr. jugier "to judge," from L. judicare "to judge," from judicem (nom. judex) "to judge,"
a compound of jus "right, law" + root of dicere "to say" (see diction).
The O.E. word was deman (see doom). Meaning "to try and pronounce sentence upon (someone) in a court" is from c.1290. The noun is from 1303. In Hebrew history, it refers to a war leader vested with temporary power (e.g. Book of Judges), from L. judex being used to translate Heb. shophet

Given both scriptures and the etymology, I think that the point here is that we must be VERY CAREFUL HOW we judge, because once we make a "judgment", we concretize that judgment as a basis for how we interact with, treat or respond to the object of our judgement from that point, forward.

This is dangerous because most people do not see deeply enough INTO the person, thing or event under consideration to render a "true" judgment; and since the word "Judge" basically means to "speak rightly" or "speak truth", we have to strive to resist the temptation to "speak" on that which we do not have a full knowledge of.

Another meaning of the word "judge" is "to evaluate"..."to determine or assess the value of". This is another dangerous area, because, although it is a natural function of the human brain/mind, too many times people are hurt and even killed because someone else made an improper "evaluation" of themselves or another, based on something said or done that was not fully understood.

I don't think it is realistic to suggest that people "not judge". I think a better approach is to emphasise the need to exercise great care and caution in the process of forming judgments.

Now, in the matter of Religion...if God, Himself makes a Judgment and then pronounces His Judgment among the people, then the people have a Right and a Duty to use His Judgment as a Basis for their judgments. We must uphold that which God upholds, and we must reject that which God rejects. HOWEVER, we still must exercise the greatest care and caution in doing so, because we want to make sure that our MOTIVATION for acting on God's Judgement is the same as GOD's Motivation for rendering the Judgment. If we act on God's Judgment from a spirit of "self-righteousness", then we have corrupted God's Righteous Judgement by seeking to make it our own, using God's Name as the "justification".

For example:

Saint Sam understands that it is against God's Will to _____ . Saint Sam therefore does not _____ . However, when Saint Sam comes upon Sinner Sue who DOES _____ , then Saint Sam forms a judgment in his mind about Sinner Sue that causes him to see her as less than himself. This only proves that Saint Sam doesn't really understand God's Purpose for rendering His Judgement regarding _____ . Nor does Saint Sam understand God's Love for both him AND Sinner Sue.

If Saint Sam really understood God's MOTIVE for the Judgement regarding _____ , then, when he came across Sinner Sue he would have done whatever he could to HELP Sinner Sue to come up out of _____ , knowing that SHE is no different from HE, except that she has a need to be helped in the area of _____ .

More on this later, God Willing, from the Beautiful book, "Closing the Gap: Inner-Views of the Heart, Mind and Soul of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan."


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