According to various dictionaries, the Etymology of the word "exist" is as follows...
exist (ex-sist) => L., existere or exsistere - to step out, or step forth; to emerge or appear;
ex(out) + sistere(to cause to stand, to set, put, place...)
If God "exists", as we believe and know He does, then where did He step out, step forth, emerge or appear from? What did the Originator, in the Beginning, stand out from so that He could be said to "exist"?
Can anything "exist" without having some Form, by which its EXIST-ence can be demonstrated or proven?
In order for ANYTHING to "ex-ist", it must necessarily, by definition, be observably distinct from "non-existence". To "step out", or "step forth", or to "emerge or appear" describes activity within a 3-dimensional context. Therefore, ANYTHING that "exists" must by definition have a Form. How could some"thing" emerge from 3-dimensional space and not be 3-dimensional, itself?
If, then, God "exists", what Form does God have? What Form do Human beings respect most? Can Human beings accept that which is formless as superior to themselves?
In many of the world's great religions the Creator is referred to as "HE", yet most of the people who say they believe in God have great difficulty applying the definition of the word "HE" to God. In the Bible and in the Holy Qur'an, in particular, the Supreme Being is referred to in such terms as "he", "him", "his" and in one instance is plainly referred to as "...a man..". Jesus is referred to, in the Bible, as both the Son of God and the Son of Man.
How could both of these statements be true unless God is Man?
We all understand that Language is a mechanism which is used to convey ideas among people. When we use a particular word to describe a thing, we choose that word because it more accurately conveys the idea which we are trying to communicate, than would some other word.
When we use the word "HE" in reference to the Almighty, what IDEA are we trying to convey? If we are trying to convey an idea that is different from the meaning of the word "HE", then we should use a different more descriptive of the idea we are attempting to give expression to.
If God represents HIMSELF to us as "HE", what IDEA is HE trying to get over to us? What is He telling us about Himself? And why is it apparently so difficult for us to "get it"?
If we are created by God, in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God, then God must certainly have an IMAGE...a FORM, for we simply cannot be created in the IMAGE of that which cannot be seen.
The Bible teaches us, "...My(GOD's) people are destroyed for the lack of KNOWLEDGE" but that " the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished."
This means that, at a certain point in Time, the people's "lack of knowledge" of God will be ended by the revealing of the REALITY of God...the KNOWLEDGE of God.
And what is the Knowledge of God? It is the same as the Knowledge of Self.
This is a great note. AS SALAAM ALAIKUM!
ReplyDeleteThe scientist has spoken 👍🏿