Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Need for Guidance

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

It is a logical conclusion that whatever Being is Responsible for our EXISTENCE is also Responsible for our GUIDANCE.

Who is more responsible for the GUIDANCE of a CHILD than the PARENTS who brought the child into the World?

Who is more Responsible for the GUIDANCE of MAN than the BEING Who Created Man?

You don't feed a child that which it is not yet strong enough to handle/digest. Nor do you feed an adult that which He/She has grown past the need for, i.e., "baby food".

We each, as individuals, can remember a time in our younger days - our past - that we wish we could "relive" or "revisit", and we often hear it said, "Whatever happened to the 'good old days'?"

By the same token, we, as a people can remember a time in our collective past that we wish we could relive, or revisit; and again we often hear it said, in regard to such, "Whatever happened to the 'good old days'?" However, there are no "better" days than those of the PRESENT. The Past is gone...and we can NEVER get it back. The Future is ahead, but dependent upon what we do in the PRESENT.

Anyone who seeks to Guide/Teach the people - in "this day" - MUST be able to show that he/she represents the PRESENT WILL of that Being Who is Responsible for our Guidance.

The Supreme Being NEVER provides Guidance for Humanity without ALSO providing a GUIDE who is to be the EXAMPLE of how the Guidance is to be applied in the PRESENT TENSE!

We CANNOT be successful in the PRESENT using the Guidance of the PAST!

An ADULT cannot be properly nourished on the food it consumed as an INFANT. An adult needs food that meets the nutritional needs of an adult.

So it is with Humanity. We cannot survive in the NOW on that which sufficed us in the Past. We need Guidance, and Understanding, that meets our PRESENT mental, spiritual and psychological "nutritional" needs.

Is that Guidance in the World?

If so, WHERE is it?...and WHAT is it?

And WHO is the GUIDE?

"THIS DAY have I perfected for you your RELIGION (WAY)...and chosen for you ISLAM as a Religion." - Holy Qur'an

ISLAM => Entire Submission to the Will of God

The Holy Qur'an is the most recent Revelation from God to Man; and even though it was revealed over 1,400 years ago, Humanity has not YET exhausted all of the Wisdom in it from Allah for our Guidance.

The Holy Qur'an is the FINAL (last) Guidance for this present world, but Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not the Final GUIDE; for the Final Guide is GOD, HIMSELF (The First AND The Last), Who is to Make His Presence Known in the Last Day. (See Surah 89:22)

If, as the Holy Qur'an says, "...NONE knows its interpretation save Allah...", then Whom should we expect to BRING the True Interpretation, but He Who HAS the True Interpretation?

WE BELIEVE that Allah appeared among us in the Person of MASTER Fard Muhammad...


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