In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
We now know that the gender of every child born is determined by chromosomal combination. We know that the Male carries both the "x" and "y" chromosomes, and that the Female carries the "x" chromosome. We have thus learned that the gender of the child is determined by which sperm, "x" or "y" fertilizes the egg: if a "y" sperm reaches the "x" egg first - creating an "xy" combination - the child will be male; if an "x" sperm reaches the "x" egg first - creating an "xx" combination - the child will be female.
Therefore, if it is the "x" chromosome that produces the Female, and that "x" chromosome is IN the Male, then this tells us that EVERY male has, in addition to his masculine nature, a Feminine nature or essence. What is the Origin of these "two" essences? Or, are they simply two manifestations of ONE Essence?
We have it from the Hon. Elijah Muhammad that the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth, after Creating Himself, looked WITHIN Himself and found a SECOND Self, and from that Second Self within, He Created a Second Self without - WOMAN. SHE was Created and Fashioned after not only Himself, but after the Womb of the Universe in which He Created Himself. So then, if She came FROM Him, then "She" was a PART of Him!! SHE was in HIM. Think over that. He so fully accepted the reality of the Feminine within Himself, that He Created another Being from Himself and FOR Himself who would be the embodiment of the "She" in Himself. I hope this makes
In other words...He LOVED Himself!! He "Accepted His Own..."
NOW!! IF the ORIGINATOR of the Heavens and the Earth was no less a "Man" for accepting the Feminine attributes of His Own Being, then why should WE - after 78 trillion years - be so ashamed or reluctant to do the same?
Our Problem is we live in a world that is not in Harmony with the Will of the Creator, and so it creates an IMBALANCE in the minds of the people. One part of the whole is exhalted above another part of the whole, when, in truth ALL PARTS are necessary to Make the Whole!
I am striving to "Accept My Own, and Be Myself". I am striving to achieve that Balance - which can only come about by perfect obedience to the Will of Allah - that will allow me to express BOTH the "masculine" and the "feminine" attributes of God(Self) without falling over to EITHER extreme.
It's a difficult thing to do at times, for all the distractions and opposition, but I believe the Goal is worth the Price to be paid.
I love LEARNING, and I am learning to accept ME...ALL of me; and I am Learning to not take personally the hasty (and often envidious) judgments and evaluations of those - both male and female - who don't really understand what it means to be a Man.
Personally, I thank the Originator for Creating Woman. The Hon. Louis Farrakhan once said, "If you don't get acquainted with who SHE is, then you may never get acquainted with who YOU are." I am beginning to truly appreciate that statement. In "Her", I see in ME something that this world never taught me the truth of. This World teaches us to "look down" on the Woman, but in doing so it is teaching us to look down on an essential part of OURSELVES (Men). That has to stop.
This is why a "virtuous woman" is so extremely PRECIOUS and VALUABLE...because a woman of Virtue will exemplify those Attributes of Allah that a man - who is striving to be virtuous - can study and cultivate within himself.
"Say: He, Allah, is ONE..." ...and so are WE! This is why it is absolutely USELESS and counter-productive to get into these debates of which one is superior, male or female. It is really a MOOT point. WE ARE ONE! The best of us, according to Allah, is NOT the male nor the female, but the one who is MOST MINDFUL OF HIS/HER DUTY to ALLAH!
Allah's Peace and Protection be upon us all.
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