Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Hidden Treasure

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

It is said in the Hadith al-Qudsi that Allah has said:
"I was a Hidden Treasure, and I longed that I should be known. So I Created creation, that I might be known."

One of the things that this tells us is that the key to "knowing" the Creator is in Studying His creation. The Creator, Himself, was not satisfied with simply "being", but wanted to be KNOWN...wanted to be fully MANIFESTED...because there was/is more to Him than what appears on the surface. But the only way the "Hidden Treasure" could be known was by ACTION.

Jesus said, "Ye shall know a Tree by the fruit it bears, and ye shall know a man by his WORKS."
How could we possibly know the Creator if not by His Works? It just could not be. It is impossible to describe the Creator apart from His Creation, just as it is all but impossible to describe "Spirit" apart from the Vessels through which it finds expression. It is the study of the Seen that leads us to a Knowledge of, and an Appreciation for, the Unseen.

So it is with you and me. Within each of us is a "hidden treasure", which is the Essence of God in us. Just as the Creator desired to be Known, so do we, as Divine extensions of His Being, desire to be known. Indeed, most of our frustrations stem from the difficulties we experience in our efforts to demonstrate to the world who we really are. We live in a world which seeks to "tell us" who we are, instead of helping us to "discover" who we are.

I cannot know you by your looks, or by your accent, or by your possessions...or lack of them. I can only know you by your WORKS. However, this is not as simple as it may sound, since you, like your Creator, are an ever-revealing reality. Each of us is being constantly evolved to a higher manifestation of the Divine Essence which we embody, which makes it very difficult for any of us to ever be able to say "I know you." So, again, Jesus said, "By their fruits (deeds) you shall know them." By our deeds and words and the MOTIVATIONS from which they spring, are we known.

I am not my condition...neither are you. I am not seen with the eyes, but perceived by the Spirit; and it is the Spirit out of which I work that tells you who I am. Don't look just at my deed, look at what Motivated it. That will tell you who I am. Close your eyes and see me with your Mind, and you will find that you are looking at yourself...for we are the same. We are all Hidden Treasures...longing to be known.

May Allah Bless us to come to see and embrace the Divinity in ourselves and each other...for only then can we truly embrace Him.



  1. Mash'Allah brother that was beautiful!

    As salamu 'alikum wr wb!

  2. W'Salaam, wr wb!

    Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds!

    Thank you!
