This is probably the third most important question one could ask, regarding the origins of things...after, "Where did God come from?" and "Where did Self come from?".
If God is the First Being to Exist, then everything that came into existence "after" Him necessarily came "from" Him. If all that exists came from God, then all that exists tells us something of God...about the Nature of God.
If the "devil" exists, what does his existence tell us about God? And what does the "devil's" existence tell us about Self, since Self was created in the Image and Likeness of God? Where did the Devil come "from", and why did God cause or allow "devil" to come forth?
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the "devil" is not a spirit underneath the ground...not some man in tights, with a pitchfork, at the center of the earth, waiting to torture and punish you for eternity, for the few years of life that you had on earth. He taught us that the "devil" is actually the Caucasian white man, the European. However, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad also taught us "where" the Caucasian came from, and gave us insight into why they are as they are, and why they were allowed to exist as they do.
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the devil (Caucasian) was made by grafting from the Original black people of the Earth. They were made in such a way that they manifest the "negative" nature of the Original people...the nature of the lower self. "Evil" as we know it today did not begin with the Caucasian, but it is fully manifested through them and their way of life. They were made with a leaning toward "evil", and given Time and Power to rule, that we may see the evil that WE are capable of - and have indeed demonstrated that we are capable of - and then eradicate, by the Help of God, the tendency toward evil in ourselves through re-education and proper Training.
The Honorable Louis Farrkhan teaches us that ANY human being who uses the energy of his/her life force for selfish and negative ends makes themselves a devil. So, although the Caucasian is the clearest manifestation of "devil" (a human being void of moral character and spiritual development), he is only a reflection of the potential in EVERY human being to manifest the same.
This brings us to the Question, "Where did 'devil' come from?" If we say the white man is the devil, then we must look at where he came from. He was made from the negative nature of the Original people. Therefore, it makes sense to ask whether or not that negative nature is still IN us, and if so, where did this "negative nature" come from?
"And God said, 'Let Us make man in OUR Image, and after OUR Likeness'..."
The Hon. Louis Farrakhan teaches us that the potential for "devil" came into existence with the Creator, during His Own Self-Creation. This tells us, if we can bear the thought, that not only has God been evolving His Creation since the beginning, but He has also been Evolving HIMSELF! If He had created Himself "perfect" from the Beginning, then everything that came from Him, would be perfect. He knew that there would come a time when He would Perfect His Being and His Creation ("Behold, I make all things new..."), but in the Beginning, it was not so.
So, "devil", as the Hon. Louis Farrakhan teaches us, is God acting through the "left" side of His Nature. "Devil" is the "negative" nature of the Originator. But in the fullness of Time, as the Scriptures prophesy, He would "make all things new", and "hell and death" would be destroyed from the earth forever..."devil" would no longer be a reality.
It is humbly presented to the reader that, although the Caucasian is "devil" personified, the only devil you and I really need to work on is the devil of Self - the "deceptive intelligence" or "negative" nature of Self - that causes human beings to rationalize and justify rebellion to Divine Law.
The Tempter that came to Jesus after 40 days of fasting in the Wilderness?...that was Jesus wrestling with His own Self...His own thoughts...the potential for devil within Himself. How else could he become a master, except He master Himself?
I believe it was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was reported to have once said, "Know that every man hath a devil." His companions, hearing this, asked, "and do you too, Holy Prophet, have a devil?" The Prophet responded, "...every man hath a devil..." His companions asked him again, "And you, too, Dear Apostle? Do you have a devil?" The Prophet answered, "I too have a devil, but with the help of Allah, I control mine."
Peace to All Lovers and Seekers of Truth.
All Praise is due to Allah for the Honorable Louis Farrakhan!
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