Sunday, November 05, 2006

...On Spirituality

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower

Spirituality => Spirit-ual-ity

Spirit- : the vital principle or animating force within living things.
-ual- : of, relating to, or characterized by
-ity : quality, state, or degree

Spirituality = the quality, state or degree to which one's existence is characterized by, or is an exemplification of, the vital principle or animating force within living things.

Since all living things have INTELLIGENCE, we could say that this "vital principle" is DIVINE INTELLIGENCE...or PURE INTELLIGENCE.

So then we could say that "Spirituality" refers to the quality, state or degree to which one's active existence is characterized by, or is an exemplification of, the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE which is responsible for the Supreme Order of the Universe.

If I take this definition, which I, then for me, Oneness with Allah (God) is the HEIGHT of "Spirituality"...or the GOAL of Spirituality.

"RELIGION", therefore, is intended to help man develop Spirituality; and Spirituality, in turn, is the Path to Realization of, and Oneness with, God.

In my view, this is a natural and necessary process.


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