Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Why So Many Splits in Religion?"

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Scientifically speaking...

Everything of Matter is composed of Atoms, and we understand that Atoms are electrically charged particles; having both electrical (positive) and magnetic (negative) properties.

If A=B,
and B=C,
then A=C.

If everything of Matter is composed of Atoms,
And Atoms are electrically charged particles,
Then, Everything of Matter is composed of electrically charged particles, and is therefore Electrically Charged, itself.

Such is the Case with our Planet. It is well known that there is an Elecro-Magnetic field which surrounds our planet. Within this field there are no two points which have exactly the same charge. The further the distance between two points, the greater the difference in polarity, or electro-magnetic effect.

Therefore, Living things (which also are electrically charged) in one part of the earth's electro-magnetic field will be different from Living things in another part, because of the difference in polarity in each location. This is why, despite the fact that "one water" falls on our planet, that "one water" brings up different forms of life. The plant life in one part of the planet is different from the plant life in another part; and so it is with animal life; and so it is with people.

One Truth can be spread all over this planet, but there will be different interpretations of that One Truth, based on the uniqueness of each individual, and on the grouping together of similar (not same) perceptions in similar areas.

This contributes greatly to people on the same continent, of the same heritage, speaking different languages or dialects, or having different expressions, forming into different tribes or klans or Nations.

To be "different" is inevitable. This is not the "fault" of "religion". It is the nature of things. There are "splits" in religion, in politics, in education, even among African Nations or Tribes. The problem is not that there are differences or splits. The problem is in HOW WE HANDLE our differences.

There is a difference between UNITY and UNIFORMITY.
UNITY is possible, even among different groups;
UNIFORMITY is not only not natural, it is impossible.

Even among Traditional African Cultures, uniformity does not exist...there are divisions and splits...some of them violent. Religion did not do that. Lack of understanding among the people is the culprit.

In other words, the enemy is not "religion" is IGNORANCE.

If we would but study the Universe that we live in, we could find valuable insights with which we could solve many of our problems.

Salaam (Peace).


Friday, December 29, 2006

The "Sound" of "Silence" ?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

I was wondering...

Does anyone else ever hear a constant ringing in the ears...especially in a totally quiet room?

Likewise, Does anyone else ever see bits of light in a room where there is no light?

I understand a little about the light aspect...but...does anyone have any insight on the ringing in the ears that is always there, but is more perceptible in silence. I find that the more I focus on that ringing, the louder it gets.

Here's what comes to my mind about this.

Light is Vibration...
Sound is Vibration...
Life is Vibration...

If we are Living Beings, then we are Constantly Vibrating...perhaps on different frequencies simultaneously. Perhaps this is what the "light" in "darkness" is. Perhaps this is what the "sound" in "silence" is. It is the Vibration of Life in Self being perceived by the "I", or "the Observer".

It seems to me that we are all a part of the Life of the Originator, and when He Created Himself from "no thing" in the Beginning, that put an end to "silence" and "darkness" within the realm of His Creation. So perhaps there will never be complete "silence" or "darkness" within, because these imply the complete absence of any vibration, which cannot be if we are Living... in a Universe of Life.

My humble perspective.

I pray that Allah is pleased, and that He correct me if I am in error.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

An INWARD Perspective of "The Dawn"

113 The Dawn (Al-Falaq)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1 Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,
2 From the evil of that which He has created,
3 And from the evil of intense darkness, when it comes,
4 And from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in firm resolutions,
5 And from the evil of the envier when he envies.


"...the Lord of the dawn,"
He Who is able to Bring Light out of Darkness, and cultivate that Light in the midst of Darkness.

"...the evil of that which He has created,"
As darkness causes us to misperceive "that which He has created", so it also causes us to MISUSE that which He created. Therefore, the "evil" of that which He has created could be the "misuse" of that which He has created.

"...the evil of intense darkness, when it comes,"
Notice, it doesn't say "if" it comes...but "when" it comes. The darkness is a NECESSARY FACTOR in our growth and evolution into a New Life, so we cannot seek refuge from the "intense darkness", itself, for it is inevitable; but we are to seek refuge from the "evil" of intense darkness, WHEN it comes. It seems possible, then, that the "evil" of intense darkness is the "misperception" or "misunderstanding" of the darkness -- mistaking the darkness as something evil in and of itself, when it is our misunderstanding of the darkness, and the subsequent misdeeds as a result of our misunderstanding, which are considered "evil".

"...from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in firm resolutions,"
This could also refer to the evil suggestions that come up in our own minds, after we have resolved to accept the challenge to live upright in the midst of the darkness. The love of comfort above truth, the fear of death and struggle, distrust and doubt, all these can manifest in our own minds in the form of "evil suggestions" after "firm resolutions" have been made.

"...from the evil of the envier, when he envies."
Suppose one sacrifices through the darkness and gives all they have in the cause of Truth, but has a certain expectation of a "time frame" in which he or she should begin to reap the rewards for his or her sacrifice. Suppose Allah delays the reward beyond his or her expectations, will he or she become disappointed, and become envious of those who may receive their reward sooner than he or she? The Hon. Louis Farrakhan once said to us, "The sin of ignorance is the dissatisfaction with the apparent slowness of Allah's Reward for faithful service."
Could such dissatisfaction become envy under certain circumstances?

Just something that has been on my mind lately. Any and all feedback is appreciated.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

The "Psyche-ology" of ATONEMENT

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

As Human Beings, we are created Righteous by Nature, and, therefore, Supremely Intelligent by Nature.

Our Peace and Security and "Success" are dependent upon our being True to our Nature as Divine Beings. When we violate that Nature, we lose a measure of our peace of mind, which cannot be restored until the violation is corrected or atoned for.

Regardless of what we may believe, our unhappiness in life is the direct result of our failure or refusal to be in harmony with our Nature; or of our failure or refusal to correct past violations of our Nature.

It is a violation of our Nature to:
...Think, speak, or Act against our Physical, Mental or Spiritual well being.
...Fail to think, speak or act in the Best Interest of our Physical, Mental or Spiritual Well being.
...Fail to correct past violations of our Nature.
...Fail to keep our word, once given.
...Fail to finish or Complete a Cycle, once begun.

It is said in certain circles that Attention follows Intention.

Every cycle we initiate, whether Mental, Verbal or Physical, is preceded by an Intention. As we move through that cycle, our Attention is on our Intention to complete that cycle. And since we are righteous and Divine by nature, we cannot be at complete peace unless every cycle initiated is completed in accord with righteousness.

When we fail to complete a cycle which we have initiated, the intention is not completed; and thus the Attention which accompanied the intention is not free. In other words, it stays on our Minds, whether we are aware of it or not.

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and realised you didn't hear a word they said, even though you're right there, physically? What do we say when that happens? "Oh I'm sorry, could you say that again? My Mind was somewhere else." Somewhere else? Where?

Ofttimes "somewhere else" is on some incompleted cycle in the past -- a mistake made yesterday, an argument last week, a three-day notice received four days -- that is still holding a measure of our attention, taking us just that much farther away from being fully in the present.

Well, that's just ONE incident. How many incompleted or unresolved cycles does an average adult have? How many unfulfilled intentions? How many past, uncorrected violations?

What does this do to our Attention...our ability to be in the NOW?

If our Bodies and 15% of our Attention are in the present, and 85% of our Attention is in the Past, hung up on unresolved cycles (which could also include traumas), then what effect does this have on the Mind?


It is said among us that "stress" is caused by "default in duty". EXACTLY!! Default in Duty is the Failure to Complete a Cycle or Intention once initiated.

How do we compensate for this imbalance? How do we complete those past intentions and regain that "lost" Attention so that we may be more in the Present, and thus more at Peace?


The 8-Step Process of Atonement, outlined for us by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, is not just a "religious" ritual, it is a Scientific Method of Restoring the Peace, and therefore the Power, of the Mind by taking the Believer back to those past unresolved violations and unfulfilled intentions; allowing him/her to confront them; and finally resolve them...freeing the Mind of the Burden of "unfinished business", and restoring Oneness with Allah, Self, and Humanity.

I pray this makes sense, and I pray that Allah is Pleased.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Can Satan Cast Out Satan?

Excerpts from"Silencing the Uniqueness of Christ"
by Anthony J. Carter

"Jasper Williams, Jr, pastor of the well-known Salem Bible Church (formerly Salem Baptist Church) c0-organized with a local Nation of Islam mosque what they called a Stop the Violence Unity Coalition Silent March."

"This is a commendable goal and the ends of the march should be an ends we all strive to attain. However, the problem with Rev. Williams' decision to be cobelligerents with the Nation of Islam is that the ends do not justify the means."

"By becoming co-laborers with the Nation of Islam, Williams became co-laborers with anti-Christ. Question: Are we called to walk hand in hand with anti-Christ so long as the there are no more drugs on our streets? Question: If conspiring with anti-Christ meant that you could walk the streets safely at night, would you conspire with him?"

"Any way you slice it, the Nation of Islam (from Elijah Muhammad to Louis Farrakhan) is anti-Christ. To walk hand and hand with them is to give legitimacy to their blasphemous teachings concerning our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The interesting aspect to any cooperation between Christians and the Nation of Islam is that it always benefits the Nation of Islam. As an illegitimate religious organization, it seeks legitimacy by seeking alliances with Christian leaders. The Christian leaders who give them a platform to speak and/or to pray will inevitably hear Christ blasphemed, as did Rev. Williams and those in attendance."


I find it interesting, to say the least, that the author of this post would characterize the good work being done by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in conjunction with Pastor Williams and his Church, as "anti-Christ"; when such good work is EXACTLY what believers in Christ SHOULD be doing.

If it is true that a "corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit", then how could an obviously good work be classified as "anti-Christ"?

Is the author saying that the Nation of Islam is casting out the "devils" of our community "by the power of the Prince of devils"?

If that be the case, my question is, "If Satan cast out Satan, how shall his kingom stand?" For, "A house divided against itself cannot stand.

And if the Nation of Islam is doing such Good Works "by the power of the prince of devils", then "by whose power do your sons cast them out?"

To the Author of this post:
By whose power do you and your congregation cast out the "devils" of gang violence, and drugs, and prostitution, and illiteracy and self-hatred from the Black Community?

Just something to consider.

P.s. - What I also found interesting is that a man who openly proclaims that the Nation of Islam is "Anti-Christ", lists as one of his "favorite books"..."The Autobiography of Malcolm X"...who was a Muslim to the day he died.

Does that make Mr. Carter a co-conspirator with the "Anti-Christ"?

Education is not in the "knowing", but in the "doing".


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Should We Marry "Potential"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam to all.

[Middle English potencial, from Old French potenciel, from Late Latin potentiālis, (powerful), from Latin potentia, (power), from potēns, potent-, present participle of posse, to be able; see "potent".]
Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent: "a potential problem".
Having possibility, capability, or power.
Grammar: Of, relating to, or being a verbal construction with auxiliaries such as "may" or "can"; for example, "it may snow".
The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.
Something possessing the capacity for growth or development.
Grammar: A potential verb form.
Physics: The work required to move a unit of positive charge, a magnetic pole, or an amount of mass from a reference point to a designated point in a static electric, magnetic, or gravitational field; potential energy.

[Origin: 1490–1500; fr. L potent- (s. of poténs), prp. of posse (to be able, have power); see -ent]2. cogent; persuasive: Several potent arguments were in his favor.
3. producing powerful physical or chemical effects: a potent drug.
4. having or exercising great power or influence: a potent factor in the economy.

"Ye shall know a tree by the fruit it bears, and ye shall know a man by his works."--Bible

When speaking of whether or not to marry "potential", we have to be very careful. We ALL have "potential", but how close are we to REALIZING that potential?

Master Fard Muhammad saw the "Potential" in us to become a "New and Perfect" people, but have we REALIZED that potential? He said that it would take 1,000 years to bring out of us the people (potential) that He saw in us. He also said that He, Himself, would not live past 400 years (or until His Mind is Law among the people). This suggests that He has committed Himself to us as a People to cultivate a Potential in us that will not be fully realized until 600 years after He is Gone!...MY GOD!!...How many of US have that kind of LOVE??? WHEW!!

When we find ourselves considering choosing a mate on the Basis of their "potential", we have to keep in mind that the potential we see may not be realized right away. Maybe it will not be realized in his or her lifetime, but will be realized in his or her children...or grandchildren.

So I think we need to keep an eye on the present reality of the propective mate, in addition to considering his or her "potential". How close is their potential to actually being realized? And are we willing to invest the required amount of time and energy in helping to cultivate that potential? Each person must answer that question for themselves.

Remember, " shall know a man (or woman) by his WORKS.."
It doesn't say, " his POTENTIAL."

Allah Knows Best.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

An Afterthought on the "Kramer" Scandal...


NEW YORK (AP) - Actor Michael Richards says anger, not bigotry, fueled his recent racist outburst at a Los Angeles comedy club...

Hmmmm... I wonder.

I wonder if anger was just the catalyst to release the bigotry that was in his heart.

I wonder...if it were a Black comedian insulting Jews about the oppression of the Holocaust, would Mr. Richards be so quick to forgive him?

I wonder...should we forgive Mr. Richards or make an example of him?

I wonder.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

"Happy" ThanksGIVING?

Happy "Let's Invade this new Land and slaughter and rape its inhabitants after they teach us how to survive on our own and then imprison them on reservations while we make the niggers build a country for us" Day

Bon Apetite !


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

MICHAEL RICHARDS Exposes His Heart...

Bismillah... appears that yet another event has taken place which further confirms the truth of the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad.

Last week, while performing at the "Laugh Factory" in Los Angeles, Michael Richards - "Cosmo Kramer" of TV's "Seinfeld" - burst out into a livid tirade against African American members of the audience who were heckling him, repeatedly baiting them and calling them "nigger" at the top of his voice.

Can't say I'm surprised, when I consider that KRAMER is a made up character, but the venom that was spewed from the mouth of Michael Richards is from the heart...the very core of the person. This was the REAL Michael Richards - a rabid white supremacist masquerading as a Jew, who only needed to have his buttons pushed by those whom he thought were beneath him in order for him to shed the costume of "funny man" and show the real face of "racist".

I am not surprised...not really...because the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us well about the Nature of the Caucasian, and so nothing they do of evil should come as a surprise to his followers.

However, I must admit that I don't think I will be able to watch "Seinfeld"

Thank you, Allah, for Blessing us with the Hon. Elijah Muhammad!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Understanding the Struggle of Black Men

(The following is my response to a question posed to me.)

In the Name of Allah (God), the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Speaking as a Black Man, I will deal specifically, but briefly, with the struggle of Black Men and our role in the Family.

By nature the Man is born to rule. He is made “in the image and likeness” of God, Himself and is thus created to be a reflection of the Will, the Wisdom, the Purpose and Power of God. Because of this nature, few things give a Man the pleasure and satisfaction that he experiences from exercising “power” and “dominion” for the good of himself, his family and his people.

However, by the same token, few things are as frustrating and debilitating to a Man as the INABILITY to exercise his innate Power and rightful Dominion for the good of himself, his family and his people.

A man who feels he is unable to demonstrate the Greatness that he knows he possesses, is a frustrated man, and will become a defeated man unless he comes in contact with a Knowledge that will inspire him to be not only the head of the household, but the Father of a whole new civilization.

The Bible teaches, “My people are destroyed for the lack of Knowledge.” In order to destroy a “people” it is necessary to first destroy the MEN of that people, for the Men are the protectors of the “people”. According to the Bible, both Pharaoh and Herod understood this principle because they both sought to kill the males of the masses under their rule.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the Black Man and Woman in America, and our history here, actually fulfills that which was written in the Bible regarding the “history” of Moses, Aaron, the Children of Israel and their struggle against Pharaoh. While in bondage in Egypt, the Ruler of that Land - Pharaoh - sent out a decree to kill the male children and spare the female children. “Come, let us deal wisely with them,” he said. His plan was to destroy the male, primarily to keep the Children of Israel from ever realizing and claiming their Divine Birthright; and secondarily to reproduce his values in the minds of the women among the Children of Israel, and therefore the children.

All of this, we can see going on today in the modern “Egypt” (America), among the modern “Children of Israel”, under the decree of the modern “Pharaoh” (U.S. Government). The males among our people have been, to a large degree, “Killed”. Not that our bodies have been killed, but our VISION as the Vanguards of our People has been killed.

It needs to be noted that the Black Woman did not escape “Pharaoh’s” wicked plan, either. The Bible teaches that the females were spared...from the physical slaughter. Pharaoh was the enemy of the Children of Israel, so why would he “spare” the women among them? Did he intend to leave them alone to grow and reproduce children who would continue to be a threat to his rule? Or did he have something else in mind for them? Pharaoh wanted more “manageable” slaves, and he could not produce that reality as long as the Men were in their right minds, because right-minded men will produce right-minded children. So, Pharaoh elected to remove the males so he could have access to the females and reproduce his mind in them, so they would produce children that would love HIM (Pharaoh) instead of their own people, and culture, and history, etc.

So what we end up with under these conditions, in general, is a Man who tends to be weak in demonstrating his true potential, and a Woman who is impatient with her Man and his apparent weakness, because she was the apparent “beneficiary” of Pharaoh’s wicked plan, while her man was the “target”. Most times, she does not even realize such a “conspiracy” even exists, and so assumes that the Man is just “lazy”, or “weak”, or “trifling”; when, in fact, these conditions have been created for the sole purpose of producing a lack of faith among the women in their men.

Now, put these two people together in a bond of Marriage. What often (but not always) happens is quite predictable. The Man, knowing that he, by nature, is powerful - although having been denied access to power - seeks to assert his power...but too often doesn’t know how. In the absence of any examples of True Power, he has only what a male-chauvinist society has to offer to pattern after, and so resorts to efforts to forcefully control or intimidate those under his care. He “means well”...he really does...but he is functioning many times on false information as to what a “Man” is and how a “Man” should be. How do his ill-informed efforts to assert himself affect his woman, who in many cases has already been conditioned to believe that he is not really worthy of respect? She resents his efforts, and even resents him. She may think she knows better than he does...and maybe she actually .in terms of book smarts. But she is just as unaware of the role, or the Value of the role, that God created her to fulfill in the restoration of herself, her family and her people. She, too, has been taken out of her right mind and does not know how to use her God-given power to build her Man up, and instead often tears him down.

It is indeed a difficult situation for both the Man and the Woman, but speaking from the Man’s perspective, it is a struggle that only God can Help us with, for only God can make (or remake) a His Image, and after His Likeness. Only the Spirit of God can raise “Lazarus” from his grave.

Once God Breathes into our nostrils, again, the Breath of Life, we will become a new Man - a new “Adam” - capable of serving the legitimate needs of our Women, our Children and our People; and therein is True Power - it is in our ability to SERVE those under our care. We obey God, not only because of His ability to “punish” if we disobey; but we obey God because He is the Supplier (Servant) of all of our needs. We as men, if we wish to regarded as worthy of the title “Head”, must become greater Servants. If we can manage to do that, with God’s Help, of course - then I believe that the “struggles” that we are presently involved in will become not so burdensome, and our personal and family lives will become much more satisfying.

I thank Allah (God) for the example of Manhood that he has given me (and so many others) in the person of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, and I am thankful for the opportunity to share some of what I am learning from him. I pray that Allah (God) is pleased.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Keith Ellison - First Muslim Congressman

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

After reading a few headlines about the newly appointed, and first ever, Muslim Congressman - Keith Ellison - some questions come to my mind.

How will a "Muslim" Congressman be received by a constituency that is, for all intents and purposes, at war against Islam -- ESPECIALLY if he takes his oath of office with his hand on the QUR'AN instead of the Bible, as has been rumored?

How does a "Muslim" Congressman reconcile his oath of office, which demands "true faith and allegiance" to the Constitution of United States and that he defend said Constitution "against all enemies, foreign and domestic" (including Muslims labelled "terrorists"); with his Faith as a Muslim and the Guidance of Allah in the Holy Qur'an, which demands that he take no god besides Allah, and that he not partake in the killing of other Muslims?

This will be an interesting study, to say the least.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"WHY" I Believe in God...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam (Peace) to all.

First, let's examine a few key definitions:

a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group; conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence; A persuasion of the truth, or an assent of mind to the truth of a declaration, proposition or alleged fact, on the grounds of evidence, distinct from personal knowledge.

that which is evident; that which is clear to the vision or understanding, and satisfactory to the judgment; a means of ascertaining the truth of any alleged matter of fact under investigation; means of making proof; that which furnishes, or tends to furnish, proof; any mode of proof; the ground of belief or judgement; as, the evidence of our senses; your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief.

the evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true; the validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions; determination of the quality of something by testing; trial; that degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief; a test by facts or arguments that induce, or tend to induce, certainty of the judgment; conclusive evidence; demonstration.

It is an easily observable phenomenon that each of us comes into this Life DEPENDENT on a Power or Being Greater than our own. We come into this Life in Need, therefore we have a Natural Need for Assistance from, and Interaction with, a Higher Power than ourselves.

This does not mean that we are necessarily born with a "God Consciousness", but we are born with that which is the Foundation of God-Consciousness, as stated above.

When I was a child, my Belief in God was based mainly on "tradition"...or "hearsay". I was never taught or advised to "prove" myself or anyone else. I was simply told by some elder I that Loved and Trusted, "you just have to believe"...and so I did. But what was the QUALITY of my Belief? Looking back, I can see that my "pre-awakening" belief was little more than "superstition"...which brings me to the core of my answer.

In my view, there is "intelligent" belief and there is "superstitious" belief. Any BELIEF that is not based upon one's own honest EXAMINATION of EVIDENCE, should more rightly be called "superstition"...or "supertitious". As Stevie Wonder once said, "When you BELIEVE in things you DON'T UNDERSTAND, then you Suffer. SUPERSTITION ain't the way."

BELIEF is not the "opposite" of KNOWLEDGE. We are born into the world knowing nothing, and therefore seeking to know everything. The more we know, the more we get the sense that there is more to know. The more we LEARN, the more we get the sense that there is more to BE LEARNED. This "sense" is what we call "Belief". Therefore, the BEST BELIEF is that which is supported by KNOWLEDGE or EXAMINATION of any related EVIDENCE.

So...WHY do I believe in Because my examination of the EVIDENCE at hand -- that portion of the UNIVERSE that is accessible to me, and the Laws and Dynamics at work within it (the Human Body included) -- leads me to the conclusion that ORDER cannot exist without INTELLIGENCE. Or, There cannot be a "design" without a DESIGNER. Therefore, I have concluded for myself that whatever BEING is responsible for the Existence of such a Superbly ORDERED and MAINTAINED Universe, must, by default, be "GOD".

This is an outline of "why" I believe in God.

What do YOU think?


Monday, November 06, 2006

Just WHO and WHAT is ALLAH?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

"Qul Huw Allahu Ahad"
"Say: He, Allah, is One"

There is so much more to this statement than meets the eye.

To say that "Allah is One", is not merely saying that "there is only one God", but it is also saying that Allah is the ONE and ONLY Reality.

If Allah is the Creator of All that Exists, then All that Exists is a Manifestation of Allah.

The different creations are only different manifestations of the ONE Reality - Allah...the most perfect manifestation being Man, Himself.

There is no difference between Essence and Form, except to the untrained Eye. For, if we put the Form under a microscope, do we not find it is composed of smaller forms, called atoms?

And, if we put those atoms under a microscope, do we not find them to be composed of yet smaller forms called particles?

And are not these particles made of the Primordial Life Force, which is called by names such as Electricity, or Essence, or Spirit?

Where, then, can the division between Essence and Form lie? There is none.

There is only the Divine Consciousness and the Vessels which It Creates to express Itself through.

"La illaha il-Allah"
"No god but Allah"


The Straight Path to God

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

I was thinking about the "Straight Path" last night, and something that had occurred to me months ago, came back to the forefront; and I thought I would share it with the Family.

The Straight Path to God is beset with many Gates - one after another. Every Student who seeks to answer the Call of God to come out of the world and find the Face of God must walk this Path. As we approach the Path and Its Gates, we bring with us all that we have acquired during our time in the world. When we get to the Path, we find it beset with many Gates, with an Angel at each gate. The duty of the Angel at each Gate is to make sure no one passes through his Gate without making the stated sacrifice.

For the Student, getting through the first few Gates is relatively easy, since the things he or she is asked to give up, or sacrifice, are things that he or she usually only recently acquired, and thus did not have any real connection to. However, at each successive Gate, the Angel thereat demands greater sacrifice than the one before.

Eventually, the Student finds himself in a real struggle - torn between his/her stated desire to walk the Path, and the desire to hold on to something that he/she holds dear, but is now being asked to give up as admission through the Gate.

"But, you don't understand...I have had this with me all my life," complains the Student. The Angel replies, "I know...but if you want to get throught THIS Gate, you have to give THAT up."

Suffice it to say that along this Path are plenty of people who are stuck at each gate, frozen in fear, unable to relinquish that which the Angel at the Gate demands. And at each successive Gate, the number of those halted is greater and greater.

Only a few are willing and able to complete the Journey, passing through all the Gates, having made all the Sacrifices demanded of them, - the Last Sacrifice being the Greatest - until they stand at the End of the Path, in the Presence of God, naked as the day they were born, partly afraid...partly exhausted...partly relieved. It is THEN that God reveals Himself to the Student, and says, "Well done, thou good and faithful Servant", and begins clothing the Student in his or her Rightful Garments - Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding...and bestows upon the Student his or her Rightful Possessions - the Heavens and the Earth, by God's Permission.

It is at that moment that the Student realizes that all the while he or she thought his or her life was being diminished, he or she was actually being PREPARED for the True Life, which he or she could never enjoy while laden with the cares of the world.

"Come unto Me, all ye that Labor and are heavy laden...and I will give you rest."

"O Allah, Guide us on the Straight Path...the Path of those upon whom You have Bestowed Favors; not those upon whom Your Wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray."

May Allah Bless us all to complete the Journey.


Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

When we say "bad things happen to good people", we are making an evaluation. What standard do we use to make such evaluations? What standard do we use to determine that something that has happened is "good" or "bad"? What standard do we use to determine if the person, to whom it happens, is "good" or "bad"? "Unpleasant" is not necessarily "bad", and "pleasant" is not necessarily "good".

Allah(God) can take what we might call "bad" and use it to serve His Good Purposes. For example, most of us would agree that the African Holocaust was a "bad" thing, which happened to "good" people. Millions of people killed...millions more maimed, disfigured and mentally destroyed. And what did we do to warrant such? What crime were we guilty of that carried such heinous consequences?

As "evil" as the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was, Allah(God) ALLOWED it to happen!! The Question is "WHY?" Is God UNJUST?

If it is absolutely true that "bad" things happen to "good" people, then that is INJUSTICE, but God is not unjust.

Because of our underdeveloped state, it is easy for us to "judge" things and people by how they affect us personally. The Most High, the Creator and Governor of all Creation, is not bound to cater to our limited understanding or emotional reactions to what He does. What He does, He does for the Highest Good of the WHOLE. So, if we, in our minds, place more value on the "parts" (self) than on the "whole", then we are bound to misperceive the reality of what is "good" or "bad", because we are judging from a personal and selfish point of view.

We must strive to take God's Point of View. We must strive to evaluate persons and events based on how GOD sees them...based on how they affect the WHOLE...based on whether or not they facilitate the Creator's Plan for the Whole.

If God, the Most High, is GOOD, and He is...then NOTHING can take place within His Sphere of Power (Universe) that He does not either cause or allow, and if He allows it He has a GOOD Reason for doing so, even if the event appears to US to be "bad".

Now, "Does God give us Guidance to help us to determine when or whether He is excercising His ACTIVE or PERMISSIVE Will?" He gives us Guidance as to how WE should live our we should exercise OUR "active" will.

Should "good" people accept the misfortunes that happen to them as God's Permissive Will? In my opinion, Yes. Does that rob us of our freedom to exercise our own active will? No.

We are all on a Journey...a Journey to Almighty God, Allah...the Most High. We are not the Authors of the Journey, nor did we Lay the Path. We are merely Travelers. We know, although few understand, what has passed; and we know, to a degree, what is at present; but tomorrow, what lies AHEAD on the Path, only Allah(God) knows. Since we generally do not know what lies ahead of us on this Journey, then it follows that we also do not know how far we have to go yet to reach the Goal. But the Most High does. Therefore, He knows best, not only where we are going and how far we have to go to get there, but He knows best WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR US TO EXPERIENCE IN ORDER TO GET THERE!

This is where FAITH comes in. "Faith is the substance of things Hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." "...without Faith, it is impossible to please [God]."

God would be unjust to reveal to us that which we have not been prepared to receive, so He does not give us the "whole picture" at once. He simply reveals to us what we need to know at that moment, to get us through "that moment". If we Follow that Guidance properly, then He gives us another degree of Guidance...and then another...and another...until we eventually reach the goal. All we have to do is Follow the Guidance and the Guide.

However, We cannot Follow someone if we have no Faith in their ability to GUIDE us. If we believe that God allows "bad things to happen to good people", then in our minds we fall victim to DOUBT, wondering if the God is unjust, which hinders our ability to follow His Guidance...especially when the "bad thing" happens to US!!

So, the Believers, from the Qur'anic perspective are Instructed to "be steadfast under trial". We are told from the Beginning of our Journey that we MUST and WILL be tried, sometimes SEVERELY; but we must hold to FAITH in Allah's Goodness...that no matter what happens, be it "good" or "bad", it is for our Highest Good, both individual and collective.

Here is a passage from the Holy Qur'an that illustrates this point beautifully:

From Surah 18:
66. Moses said to [the Wise man]: May I follow thee that thou mayest teach me of the good thou hast been taught?
67. He said: Thou canst not have patience with me.
68. And how canst thou have patience in that whereof thou hast not a comprehensive knowledge?
69. He said: If Allah please, thou wilt find me patient, nor shall I disobey thee in aught.
70. He said: If thou wouldst follow me, question me not about aught until I myself speak to thee about it.
71. So they set out until, when they embarked in a boat, he made a hole in it. (Moses) said: Hast thou made a hole in it to drown its occupants? Thou has surely done a grievous thing.
72. He said: Did I not say that thou couldst not have patience with me?
73. He said: Blame me not for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for what I did.
74. So they went on, until, when they met a boy, he slew him. (Moses) said: Hast thou slain an innocent person, not guilty of slaying another? Thou hast indeed done a horrible thing.
75. He said: Did I not say to thee that thou couldst not have patience with me?
76. He said: If I ask thee about anything after this, keep not company with me. Thou wilt then indeed have found an excuse in my case.
77. So they went on, until, when they came to the people of a town, they asked its people for food, but they refused to entertain them as guests. Then they found in it a wall which was on the point of falling, so he put it into a right state, (Moses) said: If thou hadst wished, thou couldst have taken a recompense for it.
78. He said: This is the parting between me and thee. Now I will inform thee of the significance of that with which thou couldst not have patience.
79. As for the boat, it belonged to poor people working on the river, and I intended to damage it, for there was behind them a king who seized every boat by force.
80. And as for the boy, his parents were believers and We feared lest he should involve them in wrongdoing and disbelief.
81. So We intended that their Lord might give them in his place one better in purity and nearer to mercy.
82. And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father had been a righteous man. So thy Lord intended that they should attain their maturity and take out their treasure -- a mercy from thy Lord -- and I did not do it of my own accord. This is the significance of that with which thou couldst not have patience.

Peace and Blessings of Allah, the Most High, be with you.


A Closer Look at IBLIS

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

"The Sin of Ignorance is the Dissatisfaction with the Apparent Slowness of Allah's Reward for Faithful Service." --The Hon. Louis Farrakhan

If we study the words of Iblis in the Holy Qur'an, we find that at the root of his rebellion against Allah was disappointment. His disappointment was caused by his expectations for himself being thwarted, or not being met, by Allah's Command for him to "make obeisance" to that which Iblis felt he was BETTER than.

Allah said to the angels, "I am going to create a mortal of sounding clay, of black mud fashioned into shape. So when I have made him complete, and breathed into him of MY Spirit, fall down making obeisance to him."

Because Iblis had an exaggerated perception of himself, which produced unrealistic expectations of his relationship with Allah and possibly his future, this command by Allah caused Iblis to become offended, and he refused to obey Allah's command. He was so blinded by his own anger and disappointment that he could not even SEE Allah's Spirit in the Man that Allah created.

All Iblis could see was the "mud".

So Allah asked Iblis, "What hindered thee, that thou didst not make obeisance when "I" commanded thee?"

Iblis responded, "I am not going to make obeisance to a mortal....I am BETTER than he..." He simply REFUSED to obey Allah because of his resentment of, and dissappointment with, Allah's command.

Whether he, or we, realized it or not, Iblis' vow to "come after them" in retaliation for his exile, was actually an accusation against Allah, Himself; that Allah was somehow unjust in failing to recognize Iblis as being "better than he"; unjust for failing to cater to Iblis's EGO.

Iblis: "You are wrong, Allah. I am better than he. You can't expect me, whom you made of Fire, to submit to this which you have made of mud, can you? No, I refuse your command, Allah. I reject YOU, Allah."

NOW...HOW does this relate to YOU and I...and what the Hon. Elijah Muhammad said, "Any of us can turn devil overnight"?

Notice the chronology. IBLIS had been around a long time before Adam was created, and he had an established place of nearness to Allah. Unfortunately, he became so proud over his position that he forgot the One Who gave him the position - Allah. So when a new arrival to the scene comes, and Allah shows favor to that which Iblis considered less than himself, not only does he refuse to accept this new arrival as being from God, he actually ACCUSES God of wrongdoing.

In one sense, "IBLIS" represents any established or "orthodox" community who has enjoyed over time the status of "the chosen" people. In that same sense, "Adam" represents a new arrival in the community of Prophets and Messengers and their Followers.

Two thousand years go, "Iblis" was the Jews and "Adam" was Jesus and his followers.

1,400 years ago, "Iblis" was the Christians and "Adam" was Muhammad and his followers.

Today, "Iblis" is the Muslim world, and "Adam" is the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam.

Will we learn from this history? Or will we repeat it?

All Praise is due Allah for the Hon. Elijah Muhammad AND the Hon. Louis Farrakhan!


Where Did the Devil Come From?

This is probably the third most important question one could ask, regarding the origins of things...after, "Where did God come from?" and "Where did Self come from?".

If God is the First Being to Exist, then everything that came into existence "after" Him necessarily came "from" Him. If all that exists came from God, then all that exists tells us something of God...about the Nature of God.

If the "devil" exists, what does his existence tell us about God? And what does the "devil's" existence tell us about Self, since Self was created in the Image and Likeness of God? Where did the Devil come "from", and why did God cause or allow "devil" to come forth?

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the "devil" is not a spirit underneath the ground...not some man in tights, with a pitchfork, at the center of the earth, waiting to torture and punish you for eternity, for the few years of life that you had on earth. He taught us that the "devil" is actually the Caucasian white man, the European. However, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad also taught us "where" the Caucasian came from, and gave us insight into why they are as they are, and why they were allowed to exist as they do.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the devil (Caucasian) was made by grafting from the Original black people of the Earth. They were made in such a way that they manifest the "negative" nature of the Original people...the nature of the lower self. "Evil" as we know it today did not begin with the Caucasian, but it is fully manifested through them and their way of life. They were made with a leaning toward "evil", and given Time and Power to rule, that we may see the evil that WE are capable of - and have indeed demonstrated that we are capable of - and then eradicate, by the Help of God, the tendency toward evil in ourselves through re-education and proper Training.

The Honorable Louis Farrkhan teaches us that ANY human being who uses the energy of his/her life force for selfish and negative ends makes themselves a devil. So, although the Caucasian is the clearest manifestation of "devil" (a human being void of moral character and spiritual development), he is only a reflection of the potential in EVERY human being to manifest the same.

This brings us to the Question, "Where did 'devil' come from?" If we say the white man is the devil, then we must look at where he came from. He was made from the negative nature of the Original people. Therefore, it makes sense to ask whether or not that negative nature is still IN us, and if so, where did this "negative nature" come from?

"And God said, 'Let Us make man in OUR Image, and after OUR Likeness'..."

The Hon. Louis Farrakhan teaches us that the potential for "devil" came into existence with the Creator, during His Own Self-Creation. This tells us, if we can bear the thought, that not only has God been evolving His Creation since the beginning, but He has also been Evolving HIMSELF! If He had created Himself "perfect" from the Beginning, then everything that came from Him, would be perfect. He knew that there would come a time when He would Perfect His Being and His Creation ("Behold, I make all things new..."), but in the Beginning, it was not so.

So, "devil", as the Hon. Louis Farrakhan teaches us, is God acting through the "left" side of His Nature. "Devil" is the "negative" nature of the Originator. But in the fullness of Time, as the Scriptures prophesy, He would "make all things new", and "hell and death" would be destroyed from the earth forever..."devil" would no longer be a reality.

It is humbly presented to the reader that, although the Caucasian is "devil" personified, the only devil you and I really need to work on is the devil of Self - the "deceptive intelligence" or "negative" nature of Self - that causes human beings to rationalize and justify rebellion to Divine Law.

The Tempter that came to Jesus after 40 days of fasting in the Wilderness?...that was Jesus wrestling with His own Self...His own thoughts...the potential for devil within Himself. How else could he become a master, except He master Himself?

I believe it was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was reported to have once said, "Know that every man hath a devil." His companions, hearing this, asked, "and do you too, Holy Prophet, have a devil?" The Prophet responded, "...every man hath a devil..." His companions asked him again, "And you, too, Dear Apostle? Do you have a devil?" The Prophet answered, "I too have a devil, but with the help of Allah, I control mine."

Peace to All Lovers and Seekers of Truth.

All Praise is due to Allah for the Honorable Louis Farrakhan!


Why Has God Been a Mystery?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

"In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the Mystery of God should be finished..." -- Revelation 10:7

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is." -- 1 Jn. 3:2

"I, Allah, am the Best Knower." -- Holy Qur'an

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the actual Knowledge of the Person and Reality of God has been kept secret for trillions of years. For the last 6,000 years, the Archdeceiver has been allowed to rule and deceive the people, particularly concerning the Actual Knowledge of God (Rev. 12:9). The greatest deception is that which causes people to misperceive the Greatest Reality...namely, God...and Self.

Satan cannot rule the people if the Knowledge of God is present among the people. Satan can only rule in the "absence" of the absence of the Knowledge of God. How and Why has the Knowledge of God been kept a secret, or a Mystery? And when will that Knowledge be made known? And what effect will the Knowledge of God have on the world of Satan?

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ,and He shall reign forever and ever.' " -- Revelation 11:15

The True Knowledge of God brings about the establishment of the Kingdom of God, and the complete and permanent destruction of Satan's rule and world. This is not to take place until the Last Days.

Although Allah has raised up many Messengers and Prophets as Truth bearers and warners, He did not allow any prophet - not Moses, nor Jesus, nor Muhammad - to make known the Knowledge of Himself which was to remain hidden until the Time of the end of Satan's rule. This means that the prophets of God, and the Scriptures they brought to the people, were raised up in the Time of Satan's rule; which is why no prophet (and no interpretation of scripture) was successful in defeating Satan in his time. Satan has managed to defeat EVERY prophet's community.

"...And let not the Archdeceiver (Satan) deceive you about Allah..."
"I (Iblis/Satan) will come after them in Thy Straight Path...I will make them all deviate."
-- Holy Qur'an

Why did Allah allow Satan to deceive "the whole world"? Why did Allah keep back that knowledge of Himself that would have protected the people from such deception?

Since the Holy Qur'an was revealed prior to the end of the Time given to Satan to rule, It does not openly reveal that knowledge of God that would end Satan's rule. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not give the full interpretation of the Qur'an. If he had, the power of Satan in the world would have been broken long ago, and we would be 1400 years into the Hereafter by now. If Jesus had brought that knowledge with him, we would be 2000 years into the Hereafter by now. However, it is plain to see that Satan's rule and power are still intact in this world. This tells us that the Knowledge of God that would end Satan's rule is not yet in the world... God is yet a Mystery....until fairly recently, that is.

What Lesson(s) did God want us to Learn from the absence of this Knowledge?
Have you ever kept certain information from a Child for his own good?

Humanity is on a Journey - a Journey toward Oneness with Allah(God). We started the Journey as Children in a "garden", and Allah has been evolving Us through the ages, and through stages, toward Himself ever since. All the Prophets and Messengers (and the Scriptures they brought) served as Preparation for the Day when Allah would reveal the Highest of All Wisdom and Knowledge, which had been kept Hidden. Once Allah begins to reveal that Hidden Knowledge, Change begins to take place in the minds and hearts of the people. Then, having accepted the Truth that Allah reveals regarding Himself, the people can go back to the Scriptures and extract the hidden Wisdom and Guidance that was with them all along; and with the true interpretation rendered by this "new knowledge", the people can begin the process of building a new world of righteousness to replace the old and dying world of Satan.

What then is that Secret Knowledge of God which the world has been without -- the absence of which has allowed Satan to rule, and the presence of which will forever remove Satan and his world?

"Who is the Original Man? The Original Man is the Asiatic Black Man, the Maker, the Owner, the Cream of the planet Earth, GOD of the Universe."

Does God "EXIST"?


According to various dictionaries, the Etymology of the word "exist" is as follows...
exist (ex-sist) => L., existere or exsistere - to step out, or step forth; to emerge or appear;
ex(out) + sistere(to cause to stand, to set, put, place...)

If God "exists", as we believe and know He does, then where did He step out, step forth, emerge or appear from? What did the Originator, in the Beginning, stand out from so that He could be said to "exist"?

Can anything "exist" without having some Form, by which its EXIST-ence can be demonstrated or proven?

In order for ANYTHING to "ex-ist", it must necessarily, by definition, be observably distinct from "non-existence". To "step out", or "step forth", or to "emerge or appear" describes activity within a 3-dimensional context. Therefore, ANYTHING that "exists" must by definition have a Form. How could some"thing" emerge from 3-dimensional space and not be 3-dimensional, itself?

If, then, God "exists", what Form does God have? What Form do Human beings respect most? Can Human beings accept that which is formless as superior to themselves?

In many of the world's great religions the Creator is referred to as "HE", yet most of the people who say they believe in God have great difficulty applying the definition of the word "HE" to God. In the Bible and in the Holy Qur'an, in particular, the Supreme Being is referred to in such terms as "he", "him", "his" and in one instance is plainly referred to as "...a man..". Jesus is referred to, in the Bible, as both the Son of God and the Son of Man.

How could both of these statements be true unless God is Man?

We all understand that Language is a mechanism which is used to convey ideas among people. When we use a particular word to describe a thing, we choose that word because it more accurately conveys the idea which we are trying to communicate, than would some other word.
When we use the word "HE" in reference to the Almighty, what IDEA are we trying to convey? If we are trying to convey an idea that is different from the meaning of the word "HE", then we should use a different more descriptive of the idea we are attempting to give expression to.

If God represents HIMSELF to us as "HE", what IDEA is HE trying to get over to us? What is He telling us about Himself? And why is it apparently so difficult for us to "get it"?

If we are created by God, in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God, then God must certainly have an IMAGE...a FORM, for we simply cannot be created in the IMAGE of that which cannot be seen.

The Bible teaches us, "...My(GOD's) people are destroyed for the lack of KNOWLEDGE" but that " the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished."

This means that, at a certain point in Time, the people's "lack of knowledge" of God will be ended by the revealing of the REALITY of God...the KNOWLEDGE of God.

And what is the Knowledge of God? It is the same as the Knowledge of Self.

The Nation of Islam and History

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

The question was asked:
"How has the Nation of Islam changed the meaning of the past?"

Honestly, I don't say that the Nation of Islam has changed "the meaning" of the past. The reason is that "the meaning" of the past...the TRUE meaning of rooted in the Eternal and Unchanging Plan of the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth, as represented today by Master W. Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi -- God in Person.

However, I will say that the Nation of Islam has most definitely changed the people's PERCEPTIONS of "the meaning" of the past, particularly for those who have accepted the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. This is because it is the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad - like no other teaching - that so fully and so beautifully explains the significance or "meaning" of the past in the Grand Scheme of things, i.e., that every single moment of the Past and Present is leading us to a Time in the Future wherein all Life will have been Evolved to Fulfillment of the Originator's Idea or Plan or Desire for His Creation.

It is the Nation of Islam and the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad -- now under the Administration of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan -- that is helping Black people, and others, to see the past more as ALLAH sees it; as a necessary part of the Journey toward what we call "perfection".

When we take into account that Allah is the Lord of All the Worlds - the Creator, Fashioner, Nourisher and Sustainer of all Creation, through stages (time), to its ultimate Perfection - then it becomes easier to appreciate the past as a stepping stone, rather than a stumbling block.

For example, before the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, I saw the slave trade as some "unfortunate event" that just happened to us as a people, which we just had to do the best we could to deal with the effects of. But AFTER the Teachings, I can see that past more as a necessary phase in our development and evolution as a people, and in the development and evolution of the human family. We had to be broken all the way down to the least common denominator, so that we could be Re-Built and Re-Fashioned by the Hand of God, Himself. He started with "nothing" in the Beginning and Produced a Universe of Light and Life; and so it is at the Ending of this world. He starts with a PEOPLE who are considered "nothing", and Builds them Up from "nothing" to make them "Something".

As the Hon. Elijah Muhammad once said, "Motion makes Time"; and as long as our Motion is leading us toward Oneness with Allah, then we can Bless the Past, instead of cursing it.

Allah Knows Best.


Should Black People Continue to Vote?

Peace to all...

The fact that George W. Bush ever got in office in the first place, against the popular vote, is proof positive that the "vote" is absolutely meaningless when that vote is cast against the interests of ruling class.

White people will NEVER allow Black People to "vote" them out of power, any more than you or I would allow a visitor in our home to "vote" us out of power in our own home.

While I will agree that on the LOCAL levels, voting tends to yield better results, even then it is only as long as the local interests don't interfere too much with their (white people's) National and International Interests. They don't care too much about how you vote to run your little room in the house, as long as you don't interfere with how THEY RUN THE HOUSE...and they have not demonstrated since they brought us here that they are interested in running the House in our favor.

I have yet to see a fly succeed in using a web against the spider that spun it.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

"Why do I need Religion?"

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Peace to all.

The question was asked:
"If I have GOD in my life....Why do I need Religion?"

Good Question.

There is a huge difference between "God-revealed" religion and "man-made" religion.

"Religion" comes from two Latin roots "re"(back, again) and "ligare"(to tie, to bind, to connect). Therefore, in its truest sense, "religion" means to bind together or to "reconnect".

God is more interested in the "whole" than the "parts". When the majority of the whole, or a siginificant portion of it, has fallen into disorder due to deviation from Divine Guidance, then it becomes necessary for God to reveal Guidance that will bring order back into the lives of those who need it most. His aim is to provide a means for the people to "reconnect" with Him.

When attempting to get a group of people who have fallen into disorder and nonproductivity as a collective BACK into a state of Order and Productivity, it is necessary to first "bind them together" under a common idea and a common code of ethics and a common sense of purpose, and then give them Guidance to accomplish the Idea of a better reality.

Our difficulty has been in discerning the difference between man-made religion, man-corrupted God-Revealed religion, and actual God-Revealed Religion....that, and the general unwillingness to extend ourselves beyond our personal comfort zones.

Basically, what True Religion amounts to is, "People organized and working together to fulfill a Divine Idea for a better world, according to Guidance from God."

What is good for the Whole is good for all its Parts.


The Importance of Marriage

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

One day, a few months ago, I was a part of a conversation with some of my "conscious" brothers and sisters, and the question of the value or importance of marriage came up. The question was essentially, "Do people really have to be married to have a successful relationship? " Of course, my answer was "yes", but it was a challenge for me to explain "why" in terms that not-so-religious minded people could receive.

So, I asked myself, "Where does marriage fit into the Universal Order of things? Since we are all part of the same Universe, and are therefore affected and governed by the same set of Universal Laws, which essentially stem from One All-Encompassing Law, then Marriage, if it is indeed of God, must be a part of that Universal Order somehow...but how?"

So I began thinking about the nature of Marriage - two people coming together in an effort to become one in mind and purpose - and looked for other examples of that dynamic in Nature.
Eventually, it came to me..."the Originator". What took place between the "Electricity" in the Darkness and the "Material" of the Darkness was a Divine Union...a fusion between the Male and Female PRINCIPLES in Nature, which produced a Spark...the first Spark of Life. This is how "Life" began in our Universe, and since that time, this is how Life has continued - with the interaction between Energy and Matter, Electric and Magnetic, Positive and Negative, Male and Female.

What I discovered, by Allah's Grace, in looking at this is that the "marriage" between Spirit and Matter was IRREVERSIBLE! It was a COMMITTED Union, and was the ONLY way that Life could have been brought about. Just imagine...if the constituent parts of that first Atom of Life "divorced" from each other, or somehow failed to come together as one...where would we be? Where would the Universe be?

Then, as we are taught, the Originator, after Creating Himself, Created a Second Self; and one of the Purposes for Creating a Second Self (Woman) was so that He could REPRODUCE Himself...reproduce LIFE...reproduce the act of Self-Creation. ..reproduce the "marriage" between Spirit and Matter, or Male and Female; and He made it so that even the very life germs of both Male and Female re-enact that Original "Marriage"; and it, too, is a COMMITTED is IRREVERSIBLE. ..and because of that, New Life is produced.

Then it became clearer to me that it is in the very Nature of us, from the Beginning of Time, to seek a COMMITTED and IRREVERSIBLE Union with our Natural Compliment, because by Nature we know that is the Only way that Life is Produced and Sustained.

And then, it came to me from the Lessons:
"Have you not learned that your word shall be bond, regardless of whom or what? Yes, My word is Bond and Bond is Life, and I will give my Life before my word shall fail."

I thank Allah for helping me to see the UNIVERSAL application of the institution of "Marriage", because it has made me to understand just that much more how Sacred Marriage is.

May Allah continue to Bless and Keep us all.


What is "Consciousness"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam (Peace) to all.

The word conscious-ness comes from two Latin roots, Con-, Com-(with, together with) + -scire(to know). So then the literal definition, or root meaning, of "consciousness" would be "the state of knowing or being aware".

Despite all appearances, we are all individual manifestations of ONE All-Encompassing INTELLIGENT Reality...which is called by many Names by many people. This ONE REALITY, or "DIVINE INTELLIGENCE", when it passes through a "material" conductor, experiences "Consciousness"; much like a copper wire develops an electro-magnetic field around it when Electricity passes through it.

One of the reasons that most of us do not see this is because we have been conditioned to perceive reality based on the physical senses, instead of perceiving reality from the True Self, the "I"...or, the Third "Eye".

The more ignorant we are, the more we cling to the illusion of individuality, and so never really experience true Consciousness.

The less ignorant we are, the less we cling to such illusion, knowing that "whatever I can observe, I am not that...therefore I cannot be my flesh nor even my thoughts, for I can observe them." If this is true for "me", then it is true for every other human being on this planet. And since we all share the common impulse to SURVIVE, then we must also share a common Essence...the "I"...the True Self...the One True Reality.

We are that "I AM".

The Quest for Self-Realization (Consciousness) is a most worthy one.


...On Spirituality

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower

Spirituality => Spirit-ual-ity

Spirit- : the vital principle or animating force within living things.
-ual- : of, relating to, or characterized by
-ity : quality, state, or degree

Spirituality = the quality, state or degree to which one's existence is characterized by, or is an exemplification of, the vital principle or animating force within living things.

Since all living things have INTELLIGENCE, we could say that this "vital principle" is DIVINE INTELLIGENCE...or PURE INTELLIGENCE.

So then we could say that "Spirituality" refers to the quality, state or degree to which one's active existence is characterized by, or is an exemplification of, the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE which is responsible for the Supreme Order of the Universe.

If I take this definition, which I, then for me, Oneness with Allah (God) is the HEIGHT of "Spirituality"...or the GOAL of Spirituality.

"RELIGION", therefore, is intended to help man develop Spirituality; and Spirituality, in turn, is the Path to Realization of, and Oneness with, God.

In my view, this is a natural and necessary process.


In Retrospect...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

It occurs to me now, after reflecting on the concept that "I am not what I can observe", that what I AM is the Essence of All things in this Universe. In other words, the Essence of Me is the Essence of All, for All that exists is a part of the One Existence. Therefore, in truth, I am connected to All that share existence with me in this Universe.

The irony of this is that I had to "disconnect" from everything to come to the realization that I, in truth, am Connected to Everything.

Interesting, to say the least.


The Hidden Treasure

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

It is said in the Hadith al-Qudsi that Allah has said:
"I was a Hidden Treasure, and I longed that I should be known. So I Created creation, that I might be known."

One of the things that this tells us is that the key to "knowing" the Creator is in Studying His creation. The Creator, Himself, was not satisfied with simply "being", but wanted to be KNOWN...wanted to be fully MANIFESTED...because there was/is more to Him than what appears on the surface. But the only way the "Hidden Treasure" could be known was by ACTION.

Jesus said, "Ye shall know a Tree by the fruit it bears, and ye shall know a man by his WORKS."
How could we possibly know the Creator if not by His Works? It just could not be. It is impossible to describe the Creator apart from His Creation, just as it is all but impossible to describe "Spirit" apart from the Vessels through which it finds expression. It is the study of the Seen that leads us to a Knowledge of, and an Appreciation for, the Unseen.

So it is with you and me. Within each of us is a "hidden treasure", which is the Essence of God in us. Just as the Creator desired to be Known, so do we, as Divine extensions of His Being, desire to be known. Indeed, most of our frustrations stem from the difficulties we experience in our efforts to demonstrate to the world who we really are. We live in a world which seeks to "tell us" who we are, instead of helping us to "discover" who we are.

I cannot know you by your looks, or by your accent, or by your possessions...or lack of them. I can only know you by your WORKS. However, this is not as simple as it may sound, since you, like your Creator, are an ever-revealing reality. Each of us is being constantly evolved to a higher manifestation of the Divine Essence which we embody, which makes it very difficult for any of us to ever be able to say "I know you." So, again, Jesus said, "By their fruits (deeds) you shall know them." By our deeds and words and the MOTIVATIONS from which they spring, are we known.

I am not my condition...neither are you. I am not seen with the eyes, but perceived by the Spirit; and it is the Spirit out of which I work that tells you who I am. Don't look just at my deed, look at what Motivated it. That will tell you who I am. Close your eyes and see me with your Mind, and you will find that you are looking at yourself...for we are the same. We are all Hidden Treasures...longing to be known.

May Allah Bless us to come to see and embrace the Divinity in ourselves and each other...for only then can we truly embrace Him.


The Meeting with God

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
Thursday, September 4, 2003

"O man, you must strive a hard striving to attain to thy Lord, until thou meet Him." -H.Q. 84:6

"He is born in vain who, having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life."

"God cannot be realized if there is the slightest attachment to the things of the world. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle if the tiniest fiber sticks out."

It is clear, from these words, that the Ultimate and Supreme Goal of Human Life is to Merge or Become One with the Creator. Success, then, in the Truest sense can only be measured along these lines. What greater cause could we devote our lives to? What more noble an effort can we put forth? What greater failure is there than to have been born, have lived and have died without ever KNOWING, much less FULFILLING, our Divine Purpose? God, along with the Knowledge of Self, sits atop the Highest Mountain. Who among us is willing to make the climb?

Who among us is willing to pay the ultimate price to attain the Ultimate Goal? Very few.

The sad irony in this is that the very thing(s) we cling to are the things that keep us from our destiny - possessions, personalities, lusts, fears, hatreds, hurts; and the very thing(s) we should be clinging to are the things we tend to turn away from - humility, charity, sacrifice, selflessness, truth, patience, Love.

"By the Time, surely Man is in loss; except those who Believe and do good, and exhort one another to Truth, and exhort one another to patience." -H.Q. 103:1-3

I, for one, have determined, in the words of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, that "I will give all that I have, and all within my power..." to realize and fulfill Allah's Plan and Purpose for my Life...which is actually His Life.

What do YOU think?

Peace and Love

The Need for Guidance

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

It is a logical conclusion that whatever Being is Responsible for our EXISTENCE is also Responsible for our GUIDANCE.

Who is more responsible for the GUIDANCE of a CHILD than the PARENTS who brought the child into the World?

Who is more Responsible for the GUIDANCE of MAN than the BEING Who Created Man?

You don't feed a child that which it is not yet strong enough to handle/digest. Nor do you feed an adult that which He/She has grown past the need for, i.e., "baby food".

We each, as individuals, can remember a time in our younger days - our past - that we wish we could "relive" or "revisit", and we often hear it said, "Whatever happened to the 'good old days'?"

By the same token, we, as a people can remember a time in our collective past that we wish we could relive, or revisit; and again we often hear it said, in regard to such, "Whatever happened to the 'good old days'?" However, there are no "better" days than those of the PRESENT. The Past is gone...and we can NEVER get it back. The Future is ahead, but dependent upon what we do in the PRESENT.

Anyone who seeks to Guide/Teach the people - in "this day" - MUST be able to show that he/she represents the PRESENT WILL of that Being Who is Responsible for our Guidance.

The Supreme Being NEVER provides Guidance for Humanity without ALSO providing a GUIDE who is to be the EXAMPLE of how the Guidance is to be applied in the PRESENT TENSE!

We CANNOT be successful in the PRESENT using the Guidance of the PAST!

An ADULT cannot be properly nourished on the food it consumed as an INFANT. An adult needs food that meets the nutritional needs of an adult.

So it is with Humanity. We cannot survive in the NOW on that which sufficed us in the Past. We need Guidance, and Understanding, that meets our PRESENT mental, spiritual and psychological "nutritional" needs.

Is that Guidance in the World?

If so, WHERE is it?...and WHAT is it?

And WHO is the GUIDE?

"THIS DAY have I perfected for you your RELIGION (WAY)...and chosen for you ISLAM as a Religion." - Holy Qur'an

ISLAM => Entire Submission to the Will of God

The Holy Qur'an is the most recent Revelation from God to Man; and even though it was revealed over 1,400 years ago, Humanity has not YET exhausted all of the Wisdom in it from Allah for our Guidance.

The Holy Qur'an is the FINAL (last) Guidance for this present world, but Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not the Final GUIDE; for the Final Guide is GOD, HIMSELF (The First AND The Last), Who is to Make His Presence Known in the Last Day. (See Surah 89:22)

If, as the Holy Qur'an says, "...NONE knows its interpretation save Allah...", then Whom should we expect to BRING the True Interpretation, but He Who HAS the True Interpretation?

WE BELIEVE that Allah appeared among us in the Person of MASTER Fard Muhammad...


Understanding the SHE in HE

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

We now know that the gender of every child born is determined by chromosomal combination. We know that the Male carries both the "x" and "y" chromosomes, and that the Female carries the "x" chromosome. We have thus learned that the gender of the child is determined by which sperm, "x" or "y" fertilizes the egg: if a "y" sperm reaches the "x" egg first - creating an "xy" combination - the child will be male; if an "x" sperm reaches the "x" egg first - creating an "xx" combination - the child will be female.

Therefore, if it is the "x" chromosome that produces the Female, and that "x" chromosome is IN the Male, then this tells us that EVERY male has, in addition to his masculine nature, a Feminine nature or essence. What is the Origin of these "two" essences? Or, are they simply two manifestations of ONE Essence?

We have it from the Hon. Elijah Muhammad that the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth, after Creating Himself, looked WITHIN Himself and found a SECOND Self, and from that Second Self within, He Created a Second Self without - WOMAN. SHE was Created and Fashioned after not only Himself, but after the Womb of the Universe in which He Created Himself. So then, if She came FROM Him, then "She" was a PART of Him!! SHE was in HIM. Think over that. He so fully accepted the reality of the Feminine within Himself, that He Created another Being from Himself and FOR Himself who would be the embodiment of the "She" in Himself. I hope this makes

In other words...He LOVED Himself!! He "Accepted His Own..."

NOW!! IF the ORIGINATOR of the Heavens and the Earth was no less a "Man" for accepting the Feminine attributes of His Own Being, then why should WE - after 78 trillion years - be so ashamed or reluctant to do the same?

Our Problem is we live in a world that is not in Harmony with the Will of the Creator, and so it creates an IMBALANCE in the minds of the people. One part of the whole is exhalted above another part of the whole, when, in truth ALL PARTS are necessary to Make the Whole!

I am striving to "Accept My Own, and Be Myself". I am striving to achieve that Balance - which can only come about by perfect obedience to the Will of Allah - that will allow me to express BOTH the "masculine" and the "feminine" attributes of God(Self) without falling over to EITHER extreme.

It's a difficult thing to do at times, for all the distractions and opposition, but I believe the Goal is worth the Price to be paid.

I love LEARNING, and I am learning to accept ME...ALL of me; and I am Learning to not take personally the hasty (and often envidious) judgments and evaluations of those - both male and female - who don't really understand what it means to be a Man.

Personally, I thank the Originator for Creating Woman. The Hon. Louis Farrakhan once said, "If you don't get acquainted with who SHE is, then you may never get acquainted with who YOU are." I am beginning to truly appreciate that statement. In "Her", I see in ME something that this world never taught me the truth of. This World teaches us to "look down" on the Woman, but in doing so it is teaching us to look down on an essential part of OURSELVES (Men). That has to stop.

This is why a "virtuous woman" is so extremely PRECIOUS and VALUABLE...because a woman of Virtue will exemplify those Attributes of Allah that a man - who is striving to be virtuous - can study and cultivate within himself.

"Say: He, Allah, is ONE..." ...and so are WE! This is why it is absolutely USELESS and counter-productive to get into these debates of which one is superior, male or female. It is really a MOOT point. WE ARE ONE! The best of us, according to Allah, is NOT the male nor the female, but the one who is MOST MINDFUL OF HIS/HER DUTY to ALLAH!

Allah's Peace and Protection be upon us all.


Love Yourself

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

I was thinking recently about "love" and "self-esteem", and it occurred to me that most of us have a poorer self-esteem than we realize, or are willing to admit.

How much do we love ourselves? How can we tell if we don't love ourselves enough? WHAT IS "Love"?

Well, we all know that the Best explanation has been given to us by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan in these words: "Love is that Creative Force out of which the Originator created [Himself and] the Universe."

However, I would like to TRY to simplify that explanation, so that we might be able to apply this concept more easily to our own existence.

When we "LOVE" someone, we want what is "BEST" for them, and we want to help them achieve what is "BEST" for them, right? If that is true, then our ABILITY to Love someone depends on our understanding of what is "BEST" for the one we Love. What is BEST for the one we LOVE is totally independent of how we might "FEEL" or "THINK" about him or her. What is BEST for our Loved one(s) is that which the Creator Desires for him or her. This means then that our ability to "LOVE" someone also depends on our ability to move our feelings and opinions out of the way, and to see them as the Creator sees them.

The more we understand what the Creator wants for the one(s) we love, and the more we come into AGREEMENT with what the Creator wants for the one(s) we love, then the more we can LOVE them, or the more we can help them attain that which is BEST for them.

Now, what does this have to do with SELF-ESTEEM?

Try this little experiment.

The next time you find yourself in front of a mirror, look at yourself. Examine your face, your body, your shape. Then look yourself in the eyes and say to yourself, "I Love you, [your name]...I really, really LOVE you."

If you feel the LEAST bit uncomfortable doing this, as if you "have no right to say that" to yourself, then you have a self-esteem problem. How could we have a healthy self-esteem and feel ASHAMED to say "I LOVE YOU" to ourselves? Do the BEST you can to really examine brutally honest about your reaction(s).

Next, try this little experiment using a slightly modified expression. This time, look into the mirror at yourself and say, "I want what is BEST for you, [your name]...I really, really want what is BEST for you."...and see if you feel better about saying it that way. If you do, then you have increased your understanding of what Love really is...wanting what is BEST for the One you love, even if it is your own self...ESPECIALLY if it is your own self.

The next step would be to try to IDENTIFY that which is BEST for you, and then SEEK it out! Prophet Muhammad once said that we cannot be considered Muslim unless we want (seek) for our brother that which we want for ourselves. Well, perhaps it could also be said that we cannot be "Muslim" unless we want (seek) for OURSELVES that which ALLAH wants for US!

Once we have examined and analyzed Self, and once we have been able to IDENTIFY that which is BEST for us, then we have in that same effort begun the Process Accepting our Own, and Being ourselves! Then we can say we are LOVING ourselves!

So, dear Family, I said all that to say..."ask questions and learn all about yourself," ...identify that which is BEST for you, and then SEEK IT OUT.


Your Brother in the Struggle
